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Yup that’s right one of the greatest action heroes of all time is making his big screen come back. Arnold Schwarzenegger, here’s a Link to the article.
Permanent link to this article: https://eclecticminute.com/2011/07/well-who-didnt-see-this-coming/
So TGWTG has released the third year anniversary video for the site which is in 7 parts. I thought I would share it everyone, Victor is especially going to like what happens near the end….anyways here’s a link for part 1. I hope you enjoy it.
Permanent link to this article: https://eclecticminute.com/2011/06/i-have-to-share-this/
Here’s a commercial for The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time that features Robin Williams and his Daughter.
Permanent link to this article: https://eclecticminute.com/2011/06/robin-williams-really-loves-the-legend-of-zelda/
I know I’m excited for this game, sure I didn’t play the first one but I didn’t have ps3 at the time. Here’s a link to DTOID’s E3 coverage. Dark Souls Hands On Gameplay
Permanent link to this article: https://eclecticminute.com/2011/06/heres-some-e3-coverage-of-dark-souls/
What happens when zombies challenge you to a dance off?………Their dancing distracts you and your whole group gets taken down thats what. Visit the link below to see it.
Permanent link to this article: https://eclecticminute.com/2011/06/zombie-dance-off-anyone/
So Square has a new RPG for the 3DS coming out hopefully in early 2012. Here’s a link to my source: 3DS 2012…please don’t let the world end so I can play this!
Permanent link to this article: https://eclecticminute.com/2011/06/square-enix-working-on-new-multi-player-rpg-for-the-3ds/
Where can I get one of these? This will help keep scum bags from bugging you.
Permanent link to this article: https://eclecticminute.com/2011/05/aa-12-fully-automatic-shotgun/
This is a cool fan made video which I hope becomes an actual movie.
Permanent link to this article: https://eclecticminute.com/2011/05/pokemon-apokelypse/
NAMCO Bandai is finally Localizing Tales of Graces f which is a re-release of the of the Wii title with extra content, improved graphics and an epilogue to the existing story. The game is set for a 2012 release. For more details head to the official website: http://namcobandaigames.com/console/tales-of-graces-f
Permanent link to this article: https://eclecticminute.com/2011/05/tales-of-graces-f-localized/
Now that Sony has brought PSN back from its apocalyptic hacker hell they’re trying to make up the down time with free goodies to get gamers back on their side. Here’s a list of the freebies you’ll be getting: Dead Nation inFAMOUS LittleBigPlanet Super Stardust HD Wipeout HD + Fury
Permanent link to this article: https://eclecticminute.com/2011/05/psn-freebies/