Jul 18

Labyrinth. With Sock Puppets. Awesome.

Amanda Palmer from the Dresden Dolls and Neil Gaiman doing a scene from Labyrinth.  With sock puppets.  You can’t go wrong with sock puppets.  And cool mullet wigs.




Permanent link to this article: https://eclecticminute.com/2011/07/labyrinth-with-sock-puppets-awesome/

Jul 14

Semper Fi Magick Book Trailer

The trailer for Semper Fi Magick by Faith V. Smith is now live.  🙂  Please go check it out and her site as well.

Faith‘s site.



Permanent link to this article: https://eclecticminute.com/2011/07/semper-fi-magick-book-trailer/

Jul 14

Who doesn’t love a good celebrity photobomb?

I think that Nathan Fillion is the best celebrity photobomber out there.  I seriously heart him.

Let the photobombing commence!!!

Nathan Fillion @ the Flanvention

Permanent link to this article: https://eclecticminute.com/2011/07/who-doesnt-love-a-good-celebrity-photobomb/

Jul 12

Well who didn’t see this coming?

Yup that’s right one of the greatest action heroes of all time is making his big screen come back. Arnold Schwarzenegger, here’s a Link to the article.

Permanent link to this article: https://eclecticminute.com/2011/07/well-who-didnt-see-this-coming/

Jul 12

Gackt has a SEXY voice

I’ve been waiting for this for years.  Gackt’s first English speaking role.  And he fights.  It’s a win/win.

Permanent link to this article: https://eclecticminute.com/2011/07/gackt-has-a-sexy-voice/

Jul 12

Nathan Fillion PSA

I thought I was the only one who suffered from this ailment but now I know I’m not the only one.  I no longer have to suffer alone…right guys?  Guys?  Anyone?

Permanent link to this article: https://eclecticminute.com/2011/07/nathan-fillion-psa/

Jun 30

I have to share this.

So TGWTG has released the third year anniversary video for the site which is in 7 parts. I thought I would share it everyone, Victor is especially going to like what happens near the end….anyways here’s a link for part 1. I hope you enjoy it.

Permanent link to this article: https://eclecticminute.com/2011/06/i-have-to-share-this/

Jun 29

Ooooh, is he shiny?

Yeah, I agree.



Permanent link to this article: https://eclecticminute.com/2011/06/ooooh-is-he-shiny/

Jun 29

How NOT to propose…

Um, yeah.  I’d say no too.  Of course, I’m scared of the sound a popping balloon makes.  But still.

A 12K ring goes up in the air…astrocoz from flickr

Permanent link to this article: https://eclecticminute.com/2011/06/how-not-to-propose/

Jun 28

Are You Prepared?

Photo by KiwiNZWith the recent fires popping up in my part of Georgia, I’m beginning to think I should have an escape plan.  I mean, I’ve already got one in place in case of the zombie apocalypse…why not in case of fire?  It would be smart, right?

What would you take with you?

Permanent link to this article: https://eclecticminute.com/2011/06/are-you-prepared/

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