Jun 04

Ahhhh…Sweet Justice

Imagine working at a Bank of America, and being locked out of your job because it was being foreclosed on.  That’s what happened in Collier County, Florida.  The bank sued a family for non-payment of their mortgage (which, by the way, the family never HAD a mortgage, they paid cash).  When the case went to court, a judge ruled in favor of the family and ordered the BoA to pay for the legal fees.  Five months later, the fees were still not paid, and calls and letters were being ignored.  So the family’s attorney had the Collier County Bank of America assets seized, doors locked, and cash in teller’s drawers removed.  Not a good day for them, I’d say.  After an hour, the bank handed over a check for the legal fees.  Yeah, about time someone got money that was due them from the bank.

Yeah…take THAT, ya dirty rotten scoundrels!

Permanent link to this article: https://eclecticminute.com/2011/06/ahhhh-sweet-justice/

Jun 03

Fantasy Sagas that are Wronger than Twilight

Personally, I think that the Twilight Saga is full of crap, stalking boys, and needless drama.  That being said, the characters are interesting…but probably not as interesting as some of the ones in these ten novels.  While I may not agree with everything the author states about each series, it’s still a very funny and entertaining article to read.

Body fluids….yeah…let’s not and say we did, k?



Permanent link to this article: https://eclecticminute.com/2011/06/fantasy-sagas-that-are-wronger-than-twilight/

Jun 02

Birth Control for Men…About Damn Time!

It isn’t ‘live’ yet, but maybe someday soon it will be.  They’re doing the drug trials in India, and so far, it’s 100% effective and reversible, too!  No pills to count, keep up with, or fret over if you forgot to take it.  It doesn’t mess with your hormones, and the procedure can be done in about 15 minutes.  Did I mention it’s reversible?  And it lasts for TEN years.  Perhaps we should start using this on teenage boys…I bet the teenage pregnancy rate would plummet…Just saying….


The answer to the teenage pregnancy epidemic is right through here….

Permanent link to this article: https://eclecticminute.com/2011/06/birth-control-for-men-about-damn-time/

Jun 01

Square Enix Working on New Multi-player RPG for the 3DS


So Square has a new RPG for the 3DS coming out hopefully in early 2012. Here’s a link to my source:

3DS 2012…please don’t let the world end so I can play this!


Permanent link to this article: https://eclecticminute.com/2011/06/square-enix-working-on-new-multi-player-rpg-for-the-3ds/

May 21

A Flowchart for Your Imminent Doom

So, the apocalypse is upon us, as they say.  Decisions, decisions.  This chart will make it easier for you to decide what you should do and expect in the upcoming days/months/weeks.  Possibly years.  If you make it that long.

Not sure what to do if surrounded by zombies…here’s your answer!  Completely failproof…not foolproof…

Permanent link to this article: https://eclecticminute.com/2011/05/a-flowchart-for-your-imminent-doom/

May 20

AA-12 Fully Automatic Shotgun


Where can I get one of these? This will help keep scum bags from bugging you.

Permanent link to this article: https://eclecticminute.com/2011/05/aa-12-fully-automatic-shotgun/

May 19

CDC: Your Source for Credible Information in the Event of a Zombie Apocalypse

Jake Akins as Banjo from Zombieland; Makeup done by Toby Sells

Finally!  The government has admitted to what I’ve been saying for years…you’d better prepare for all kinds of disasters, be they natural or supernatural.  Case in point, the upcoming zombie apocalypse.  I know who’s going to be on my team…do you?  Hit the jump for more information.

Read the rest of this entry »

Permanent link to this article: https://eclecticminute.com/2011/05/cdc-your-source-for-credible-information-in-the-event-of-a-zombie-apocalypse/

May 18

Pokémon Apokélypse

This is a cool fan made video which I hope becomes an actual movie.

Permanent link to this article: https://eclecticminute.com/2011/05/pokemon-apokelypse/

May 18

Mentos Experiment Fail

I’ve seen many Mentos/Diet Coke videos.  Some cool.  Some not so much.  This one is the funniest one I’ve seen.


I don’t envy the camera man, that’s for sure.

Permanent link to this article: https://eclecticminute.com/2011/05/mentos-experiment-fail/

May 18

Tales of Graces f Localized!

By popculturegeek.com
NAMCO Bandai is finally Localizing Tales of Graces f which is a re-release of the of the Wii title with extra content, improved graphics and an epilogue to the existing story. The game is set for a 2012 release.

For more details head to the official website:

Permanent link to this article: https://eclecticminute.com/2011/05/tales-of-graces-f-localized/

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